Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Gunadarma University

It soon became the group 's human educators take tangible action . On Friday August 7, 1981 , they opened with the name of the computer education Computer Science Education Program ( PPIK ) which accommodates 91 students . And on Monday, August 10, 1981 , pertamapun lecture begins . Even this growing college that requires a more robust container . Care through the Foundation for the Development and Operations Research Systems Analysis Mathematics ( Mathematics Saor ) , it turned into a place of education and the Academy of Science of Computer Indonesia ( ASKI ) . Since then glide an activity to generate a new standard in education . Activity was shaped computer science and mathematics education .
Computer and mathematical education too is then strengthened again into a higher container that is shaped container to container shaped academic high school . On Thursday , June 21 , 1984, the name Gunadarma chosen to make the name of the high school . On Monday , July 9, 1984, the Foundation for the Development and Operation Research System Analyst renamed Mathematics Education Foundation Gunadarma . A day later , on Tuesday , July 10, 1984 date , through Decree Gunadarma Education Foundation , officially inaugurated Gunadarma name into the high school into High School Computer Gunadarma ( STKG ) . Together with that, since the date of August 7, 1981 passed the milestone date of June 21, 1984 , dated July 9, 1994 , and dated July 10, 1994 , a period of history has been delivering computer education at the College of Computer Gunadarma historical period to the next .
This stabilization was then confirmed again through the decision initiated by the Coordinator of Private Higher Education ( Kopertis ) Region III . On Tuesday, August 14, 1984 , Kopertis III granted operational licenses to STKG . To evoke the spirit of higher learning among students , on Friday , September 28 , 1984, was organized by the first graduation ceremony Gunadarma equivalent baccalaureate , to be repeated again on Tuesday , September 24 , 1985, and on Friday , September 26 , 1986. Till here , we begin to see this STKG grown in various dimensions and with it , we see the development of a dimension to dimension .
The first dimension is the dimension of the education program . In this dimension , STKG start memproleh progress quite rapidly . On Saturday , dated October 5, 1985 , through the Minister of Education and Culture No. . 0424/0/1985 , the high school expressed Registered status with a new name School of Information Management and Computer Gunadarma ( STMIK Gunadarma ) . At the same time , turns into STMIK Gunadarma STKG in more detail , it is registered in the state , can take care of two level Gunadarma the Study of Higher Education Education degree ( S1 ) and the Study of Higher Education Tier Zero ( S0 ) in the form of Diploma ( D3 ) .

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