Minggu, 25 Mei 2014


What is the TOEIC? I've Never know with TOEFL , IELTS , and TOEIC ?Well , this is actually the same three tests are commonly used to measure the ability of non - native . The point to which the original language is not English . Well this time I would like to share information on the TOEIC . Let 's check it out !

Actually it was the same as TOEIC TOEFL and IELTS , TOEIC only if a more specific function. TOEIC ( Test of English for International Communication) is a test of English language skills for people whose native language is not English. TOEIC itself consists of two exams are listening and reading . Range values ​​ranging from 10 to 990 . TOEIC test can measure an individual 's ability to speak English in their daily work in an international environment . Its values ​​indicate how well people can communicate in English with other people in general komunikas , including in the sphere of education , business , commerce , and industry . This test does not require any special knowledge or unusual terms that people use in their daily activities ..

The TOEIC test is a multiple choice test which lasted for two hours consisting of 200 questions divided into two sessions :

Listening section : this session to test how well we can understand speech in English . This session consists of 4 parts and contains 100 questions that are played on a cassette or CD . We will be asked to answer questions based on various questions , short dialogues and short conversations recorded in English . Total time 45 minutes go round .
Reading section : in this session there will be 3 parts to test how well you can understand reading in English . We will read a variety of materials and personal time management in answering 100 questions based on the content of the materials provided to us . Total time is 75 minutes .

We will answer the test questions in a way to blacken one letter ( A ) , ( B ) , ( C ) , ( D ) with a pencil on a separate answer sheet . Although the estimated time available for two hours , additional time is required to complete the questionnaires and biographical data of participants in the answer sheet . Therefore , we must take menyiapka approximately 2.5 hours to take the test .Well , who the hell are these usually take the test ?Lots of people - people from various institutions who take the test in ranging from :

Employees or staff who use English in a variety of work environments such as government offices , businesses , hotels, hospitals , restaurants , international meetings , conferences , and sports programs .
Staff management , sales and technical staff in international business , trade and industry who need English in their work .
Training candidates will be done in English .
The individuals who are following the training program or the interests of the English language scholarship application and visa abroad .
The student or students to measure progress in the learning process , graduation requirements , and also completeness in entering the workforce .

The question is why do we have to follow the TOEIC test ? the answer is the TOEIC test has become the choice for more than 6 million test takers annually and is recognized by 10,000 organizations in the world . As a measuring instrument that accurately and objectively measure proficiency in English , the TOEIC test will enable us to :

Prove our true level of ability in the English language .
Meet the requirements for the new position and or promotions within the company.
The assertion / evidence of the level of our professionalism .
Monitor our progress in the English language .
Set the learning objectives .
Engaging companies in advancing our English language ability .Furthermore , when and where we can follow the TOEIC test ?
The TOEIC test is available throughout the world . This test can be conducted on request of the legal entities or other organizations that expect their employees or prospective job applicants to take the TOEIC test . In addition , there have been the course , schools and colleges that provide TOEIC test for students and students . If the TOEIC test has not been scheduled in our organization , we can contact the office of the International Test Center ( ITC ) as the official representative of the ETS in Indonesia to get information when and where we can take this test .How does the test cost ?
To obtain information about the cost of the TOEIC test in Indonesia , can be made ​​by contacting the ITC representative office for the TOEIC test cost varies around the world .How much do I need to " pass " the TOEIC test ?
The TOEIC test is not like a test where we can be declared ' pass ' or ' fail ' . Not all jobs or tasks require the same level on the English language skills . TOEIC score scale also allows one to make a goal that can be achieved and measured the increase in English language proficiency .

Because these tests are made specifically to meet the communication needs , the TOEIC tests to measure different levels of proficiency in the English language . TOEIC test enables people to demonstrate what they can do in English . In addition to the government , many companies use this test to apply standard values ​​based on level of English language requirements necessary to put someone in the right position . There are also many government and corporate offices and providing English language training to its staff to help achieve the target value that describes the TOEIC test tingakatan more specific expertise based on professional needs . Schools and colleges use TOEIC as a mapping tool and international certification programs English. The TOEIC score can be used to determine the level of English language proficiency and development for students and for the students , including graduation requirements , preparation memasukin world of work and further study .How is the content of the TOEIC test questions ?Some examples of settings and situations that we can meet on the TOEIC test is :

Development of the company : research , product development .
Penjamuan eat : banquet business and informal lunches , receptions , banquet dining , and restaurant reservations .
Entertainment : cinema , theater , music , art , exhibitions , museums , and the media .
Financial and budget : banking , investment , taxation , accounting , bill payments .
General business : contracts , negotiations , mergers , marketing , sales , warranty , business planning , conferences , labor relations .
Health : insurance media , visit the doctor , dentist , clinic , hospital .
Housing / property : construction , specifications , leasing, service listrikdan gas .
Manufacturing : assembly , plant management , quality control .
Offices : board meetings , committees , letters , memoranda telephone , fax and e - mail , supplies and office furniture , corporate regulation .
Personnel : recruitment and hiring , hiring new employees , resignations , salaries , promotions , job vacancies , advertising , and retirement awards .
Purchase : spending , ordering office supplies, delivery of goods , invoicing .
Technical areas : electronics , technology , computers , laboratories and equipment , technical specifications .
Travel: trains , airplanes , taxis , buses , ships , ferries , tickets, schedule information and announcements at airports and stations , car rentals , hotels , reservations , delays and cancellations .

 Apa itu TOEIC ?
Sudah pernah tahu dengan TOEFL, IELTS, dan TOEIC ?
Nah, Ketiga tes ini sebenarnya sama yaitu biasa digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan para non-native. Maksudnya untuk yang bahasa aslinya bukan bahasa Inggris. Baiklah kali ini saya ingin berbagi informasi mengenai TOEIC. Let's check it out !

      Sebenarnya TOEIC itu sama seperti TOEFL dan IELTS, hanya saja kalau TOEIC lebih spesifik fungsinya. TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) adalah tes keahlian berbahasa inggris untuk orang-orang yang bahasa ibunya bukan bahasa inggris. TOEIC itu sendiri terdiri dari 2 ujian yaitu listening dan reading. Range nilainya mulai dari 10 sampai 990. Tes TOEIC dapat mengukur kemampuan berbahasa inggris untuk individu yang dalam kesehariannya bekerja di lingkungan international. Nilai- nilainya menunjukkan seberapa baik seseorang dapat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris dengan individu lainnya dalam komunikas umum, termasuk di lingkup pendidikan, bisnis, perdagangan, dan industry. Tes ini tidak memerlukan pengetahuan khusus atau istilah yang tidak umum yang digunakan orang dalam aktivitasnya sehari-hari..

         Tes TOEIC adalah tes pilihan ganda yang berlangsung selama dua jam yang terdiri dari 200 pertanyaan yang dibagi menjadi dua sesi :

    Listening section: sesi ini menguji seberapa baik kita dapat memahami pembicaraan dalam bahasa inggris. Sesi ini terdiri dari dari 4 bagian dan berisi 100 pertanyaan yang diputar pada sebuah kaset atau CD. Kita akan diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan pada bermacam-macam pertanyaan, dialog singkat, dan percakapan singkat yang direkam dalam bahasa inggris. Total waktunya adlah 45 menit.
    Reading section: dalam sesi ini akan terdapat 3 bagian yang menguji seberapa baik anda dapat memahami bacaan dalam bahasa inggris. Kita akan membaca berbagai macam materi dan melakukan pengaturan waktu secara pribadi dalam menjawab 100 pertanyaan berdasarkan isi dari materi yang disediakan untuk kita. Total waktunya adalah 75 menit.

       Kita akan menjawab pertanyaan tes ini dengan cara menghitamkan salah satu huruf (A),(B),(C),(D) dengan pensil pada lembar jawaban yang terpisah. Walaupun waktu yang tersedia diperkirakan selama dua jam, waktu tambahan memang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan daftar pertanyaan dan biodata peserta dalam lembar jawaban. Karenanya, kita harus meluangkan menyiapka kira-kira 2,5 jam untuk mengikuti tes ini.

Nah, siapa saja sih yang biasanya mengikuti tes ini ?
Banyak sekali orang – orang dari berbagai institusi yang mengikuti tes in mulai dari :

    Karyawan atau staf yang menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam berbagai lingkungan kerja seperti kantor–kantor pemerintah, bisnis, hotel, rumah sakit, restoran, pertemuan internasional, konferensi, dan program olahraga.
    Staf manajemen, sales, dan karyawan bagian teknik dalam bisnis internasional, perdagangan dan industry yang membutuhkan bahasa inggris dalam pekerjaan mereka.
    Para calon peserta pelatihan yang akan dilakukan dalam bahasa inggris.
    Para individu yang sedang mengikuti program pelatihan bahasa inggris ataupun kepentingan pengajuan beasiswa dan visa  ke luar negeri.
    Para pelajar atau mahasiswa untuk mengukur kemajuan dalam proses belajar, syarat kelulusan, dan juga kelengkapan dalam memasuki dunia kerja.

           Pertanyaannya adalah kenapa kita harus mengikuti tes TOEIC ? jawabannya adalah tes TOEIC telah menjadi pilihan bagi lebih dari 6 juta peserta tes setiap tahunnya dan diakui oleh 10.000 organisasi di dunia. Sebagai sebuah alat ukur yang akurat dan obyektif dalam mengukur kemampuan berbahasa inggris, tes TOEIC ini akan memungkinkan kita untuk :

    Membuktikan tingkat kemampuan kita yang sebenarnya dalam berbahasa inggris.
    Memenuhi persyaratan untuk jabatan baru dan atau promosi di dalam perusahaan.
    Penegasan/bukti atas tingkat profesionalitas kita.
    Memonitor perkembangan kita dalam berbahasa inggris.
    Mengatur tujuan belajar.
    Melibatkan perusahaan dalam memajukan kemampuan bahasa inggris kita.

Selanjutnya, kapan dan dimana kita bisa mengikuti tes TOEIC ?
     Tes TOEIC tersedia di seluruh dunia. Tes ini bisa dilaksanakan berdasarkan permintaan dari badan-badan hukum atau organisasi-organisasi lain yang mengharapkan karyawan-karyawannya atau para calon pelamar pekerjaan untuk mengikuti tes TOEIC. Selain itu, telah terdapat tempat kursus, sekolah-sekolah dan kampus yang memberikan tes TOEIC bagi siswa dan mahasiswanya. Jika tes TOEIC belum terjadwal dalam organisasi kita, kita dapat menghubungi kantor International Test Center (ITC) sebagai perwakilan resmi ETS di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan informasi kapan dan dimana kita bisa mengikuti tes ini.

Bagaimana dengan biaya tesnya ?
     Untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai biaya tes TOEIC di Indonesia, dapat dilakukan dengan menghubungi kantor perwakilan ITC karena biaya tes TOEIC ini bervariasi di seluruh dunia.

Berapa nilai yang saya butuhkan untuk “lulus” tes TOEIC ?
        Tes TOEIC ini bukanlah seperti tes dimana kita dapat dinyatakan ‘lulus' atau ‘gagal’. Tidak semua pekerjaan atau tugas mewajibkan tingkatan yang sama pada keahlian berbahasa inggris. Skala nilai TOEIC juga memungkinkan seseorang untuk membuat tujuannya yang dapat dicapai dan mengukur peningkatan profisiensi bahasa inggrisnya.

        Karena tes ini dibuat secara spesifik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan berkomunikasi, maka tes TOEIC dapat mengukur berbagai tingkatan profisiensi dalam berbahasa inggris. Tes TOEIC memungkinkan orang untuk mendemonstrasikan apa yang bisa mereka kerjakan dalam bahasa inggris. Selain pemerintah, banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan tes ini untuk menerapkan standar nilai berdasarkan pada tingkatan kebutuhan bahasa inggris yang diperlukan untuk menempatkan seseorang di posisi yang tepat. Banyak juga kantor dan pemerintah dan perusahaan yang memberikan pelatihan bahasa inggris untuk untuk membantu stafnya mencapai target nilai tes TOEIC yang menggambarkan tingakatan keahlian yang lebih spesifik berdasarkan kebutuhan professional. Sekolah dan perguruan tinggi menggunakan TOEIC sebagai alat pemetaan dan program sertifikasi internasional bahasa inggris. Nilai TOEIC tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat profisiensi dan perkembangan bahasa inggris untuk siswa dan mahasiswanya termasuk untuk syarat kelulusan, persiapan memasukin dunia kerja, dan studi lanjut.

Bagaimana gambaran isi dari pertanyaan tes TOEIC ?
Beberapa contoh pengaturan dan situasi yang bisa kita temui pada tes TOEIC yaitu :

    Pengembangan perusahaan : riset, pengembangan produk.
    Penjamuan makan : perjamuan bisnis dan makan siang yang informal, resepsi, perjamuan makan, dan pemesanan restoran.
    Hiburan : bioskop, teater, music, kesenian, pameran, museum, dan media.
    Keuangan dan anggaran belanja : perbankan, investasi, perpajakan, akuntansi, pembayaran tagihan.
    Bisnis umum : kontrak, negosiasi, merjer, pemasaran, penjualan, garansi, perencanaan bisnis, konferensi, hubungan tenaga kerja.
    Kesehatan : asuransi media, mengunjungi dokter, dokter gigi, klinik, rumah sakit.
    Perumahan/property : konstruksi,, spesifikasi, sewa-beli, layanan listrikdan gas.
    Manufaktur : perakitan, manajemen pabrik, pengendalian mutu.
    Perkantoran : rapat dewan, komite, surat-surat, memorandum telepon, fax dan e-mail, perlengkapan dan furniture kantor, peraturan perusahaan.
    Personalia : perekrutan dan penerimaan karyawan, mempekerjakan karyawan baru, pengunduran diri, gaji, promosi, lowongan kerja, iklan, pensiun dan penghargaan.
    Pembelian : pembelanjaan, pemesanan peralatan kantor, pengiriman barang, faktur.
    Area teknis : elektronik, teknologi, computer, laboratorium dan perlengkapannya, spesifikasi teknis.
    Perjalanan : kereta api, pesawat terbang, taksi, bus, kapal laut, feri, tiket, informasi jadwal dan pengumuman di bandara dan stasiun, penyewaan mobil, hotel, reservasi, keterlambatan dan pembatalan.

Sumber :


Definition: TEFL = Teaching English as a foreign language. <p> The acronym TEFL refers to teaching English as a foreign language. TEFL is most commonly used when speaking about teaching English to learners those who live outside a native English speaking country. TEFL is sometimes used in place of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) or TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language).
Also Known As: TESOL, TESL
Common Misspellings: TOEFL - TOEFL refers to the Test of English as a Foreign Language
I'm going to take a course to receive a TEFL certificate and then teach abroad.

Definisi: TEFL = Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing. <p> singkatan TEFL mengacu pada pengajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing. TEFL ini paling sering digunakan ketika berbicara tentang mengajarkan bahasa Inggris kepada peserta didik mereka yang tinggal di luar negara asal berbahasa Inggris. TEFL kadang-kadang digunakan di tempat TESOL (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Penutur Bahasa Lain) atau TESL (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Kedua).
Juga Dikenal Sebagai: TESOL, TESL
Salah ejaan yang umum: TOEFL - TOEFL mengacu pada Tes Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing
Aku akan mengambil kursus untuk mendapatkan sertifikat TEFL dan kemudian mengajar di luar negeri.

Sumber :



TOEFL stands for Test Of English as a Foreign Language ( Test of English as a foreign language ) , which is organized by an institute in the United States called ETS ( Educational Testing Service ) . TOEFL is important for friends who want to study or studying abroad to study . TOEFL is an indicator to ensure that my friends come not from English-speaking countries , in order to follow the course well in English-speaking countries . TOEFL is used to ensure :

Ensure that the students understand the description given lecturer in English ( listening skills) .
Students understand the books that are required textbook ( reading skills) .
Students are able to make scientific writing with correct grammar (writing and grammar skills) .

To be accepted in Western countries , prospective students must have a TOEFL score standards that have been set by each university in the Western countries . For example, a minimum TOEFL score for the countries in Europe is 500 ( minimum ) , TOEFL scores for Australia is 500 ( minimum ) , while TOEFL scores for countries in America 550 is required ( minimum ) .


Along with the times , even countries whose native language is not English , such as Japan , Korea , India , Malaysia , Indonesia , etc. requires a certain TOEFL Score for prospective students , who came from the country , especially if it comes from overseas . In Indonesia , the TOEFL even be used also for :

Requirements for acceptance of new employees in government agencies , private companies and the government .
Terms of new admissions to pursue S2 and S3 .
Terms submission of scholarship , both from public and private .

TOEFL itself has several times experienced improvement by the provider agency , ets . TOEFL Test forms ever introduced to the public , namely :

1 . TOEFL Paper Based Test
Consists of 3 sections :
Listening, Structure , and Reading .
Maximum Score : 677 .

2 . TOEFL Computer Based Test
Consisting of 4 Section:
Listening, Structure , Reading , Writing.
Maximum Score : 300 .

3 . TOEFL Internet Based Test
Consists of 4 sections :
Listening , Reading , Writing , Speaking .
Maximum score : 120 .

For the purposes of pre -selection or the internal purposes of an institution , then the ETS as a developer and provider agencies also organize TOEFL test TOEFL ITP ( Institutional Testing Program) . The number of questions and the difficulty level is not different from the ITP TOEFL Paper Based Test and Computer Based Test TOEFL TOEFL , because the questions used in the TOEFL ITP TOEFL test is a matter that has been used previously . Differences that need to be known by those who plan to follow is that the TOEFL test scores obtained from the TOEFL ITP is limited in its use .

Universities in the USA , for example , will only accept scores obtained from TOEFL Paper Based Test or Computer Based Test TOEFL . In addition to the TOEFL ITP , there is also a TOEFL Prediction is usually used to estimate the TOEFL score one " before " in question follows the other TOEFL test ( Paper Based TOEFL Test , TOEFL Computer Based Test , TOEFL ITP ) . Type Prediction TOEFL test is generally held by institutions or language centers or places that organize training courses TOEFL .


Generally we recognize three levels of mastery of a foreign language , namely Basic Level ( Elementary ) , Intermediate ( Intermediate ) , and the Advanced Level ( Advanced ) . For TOEFL scores , language experts typically classify these scores into four levels:

Basic level ( Elementary ) : 310 s.d. 420

Lower Secondary Level ( Low Intermediate ) : 420 sd 480

Secondary level ( High Intermediate ) : 480 sd 520

Advanced level ( Advanced ) : 525 677 s.d


TOEFL Paper Based Test and Computer Based TOEFL Test can only be taken at certain times that have been scheduled well in advance of the test conducted . Place or testing center where both tests are held also been determined by the ETS as a licensee of the TOEFL test . Both kinds of TOEFL tests are held in the particular testing center , also called the International TOEFL . It is intended to distinguish both the ITP TOEFL and TOEFL Prediction .

As for the TOEFL ITP , test participants must contact the institution that has been designated by the IIEF Jakarta as a place of execution . ITP TOEFL required for the implementation of at least 10 participants . Language Unit , University of Tanjungpura ( UNTAN ) Pontianak is one institution that organizes entitled ITP TOEFL .

Type Prediction TOEFL test is the most flexible type of test execution . In the Language Unit , University of Tanjungpura ( UNTAN ) Pontianak , this test is also a test of the most widely followed by those who wish to measure mastery of the English language for various purposes . Every moment the test participant can take this test by contacting the Language Unit , University of Tanjungpura ( UNTAN ) Pontianak .


1 . Familiarize yourself with the format of the TOEFL Test .
Prepare friends before following the TOEFL Test . Prepare yourself mentally and friends . If at a friends place there TOEFL training institute offering , follow . It was in preparation awa . Investigate the requirements of TOEFL score required .

2 . There are some countries that have set the standard TOEFL score that must be met by prospective students to take classes in the country .

3 . Learning English .
Tingkatkanlah English skills friends . Follow the English language courses available in the neighborhood friends . Because there are several categories that will be tested in the TOEFL test , namely Listening Skills , Reading Skills , Writing and Grammar Skills .

4 . Answer all questions .
When the next TOEFL test , answer all questions tested , do not let one question was empty ( no answer) .


TOEFL adalah singkatan dari Test Of English as a Foreign Language (Test Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing), yang diorganisir oleh sebuah lembaga di Amerika Serikat yang bernama ETS ( Educational Testing Service ). TOEFL ini penting untuk teman-teman yang ingin belajar atau menuntut ilmu untuk bersekolah di luar negeri. TOEFL ini merupakan indikator untuk memastikan teman-teman yang berasal bukan dari negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris, agar dapat mengikuti perkuliahan dengan baik di negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris. TOEFL ini digunakan untuk memastikan :

    Memastikan bahwa mahasiswa tersebut memahami uraian yang diberikan dosen dalam bahasa Inggris (listening skill).
    Mahasiswa memahami buku-buku textbook yang diwajibkan (reading skill).
    Mahasiswa mampu membuat tulisan ilmiah dengan tatabahasa yang benar (writing & grammar skill).

Untuk dapat diterima di negara-negara Barat, calon mahasiswa harus memiliki standar nilai TOEFL yang sudah ditetapkan oleh masing-masing universitas di negara-negara Barat tersebut. Misalnya TOEFL score minimal untuk negara-negara di Eropa adalah 500 (minimum), TOEFL score untuk di Australia adalah 500 (minimum), sedangkan TOEFL score untuk negara-negara di Amerika adalah disyaratkan 550 (minimum).


Seiring perkembangan zaman, bahkan negara-negara yang bahasa ibunya bukan bahasa Inggris, seperti Jepang, Korea, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, dll mensyaratkan TOEFL Score tertentu bagi calon mahasiswanya, baik yang datang dari dalam negeri, apalagi jika berasal dari luar negeri. Di Indonesia, TOEFL bahkan digunakan juga untuk:

    Persyaratan bagi penerimaan karyawan baru di instansi pemerintah, perusahaan pemerintah dan swasta.
    Syarat penerimaan mahasiswa baru untuk jenjang S2 dan S3.
    Syarat pengajuan beasiswa, baik dari pemerintah maupun swasta.

TOEFL sendiri sudah beberapa kali mengalami penyempurnaan oleh lembaga penyelenggaranya, ETS. Bentuk-bentuk TOEFL Test yang pernah diperkenalkan ke publik yaitu :

1. TOEFL Paper Based Test
Terdiri atas 3 section :
Listening, Structure, and Reading.
Maximum Score : 677.

2. TOEFL Computer Based Test
Terdiri dari 4 Section :
Listening, Structure,Reading, Writing.
Maximum Score : 300.

3. TOEFL Internet Based Test
Terdiri dari 4 section :
Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking.
Maximum score : 120.

Untuk keperluan pra-seleksi ataupun keperluan intern suatu lembaga, maka ETS sebagai lembaga pengembang dan penyelenggara tes TOEFL juga menyelenggarakan TOEFL ITP (Institutional Testing Programme). Jumlah soal dan tingkat kesulitan TOEFL ITP tidak berbeda dengan Paper Based Test TOEFL maupun Computer Based Test TOEFL, karena memang soal-soal yang digunakan pada TOEFL ITP adalah soal tes TOEFL yang telah pernah digunakan sebelumnya. Perbedaan yang perlu diketahui oleh mereka yang merencanakan mengikuti tes TOEFL adalah bahwa skor yang diperoleh dari TOEFL ITP dalam pengunaannya terbatas.

Perguruan tinggi di Amerika, misalnya, hanya akan menerima skor yang diperoleh dari Paper Based Test TOEFL atau Computer Based Test TOEFL. Selain TOEFL ITP, juga ada TOEFL Prediction yang biasanya digunakan untuk memperkirakan skor TOEFL seseorang “sebelum” yang bersangkutan mengikuti tes TOEFL lainnya (Paper Based Test TOEFL, Computer Based Test TOEFL, TOEFL ITP). Jenis tes TOEFL Prediction ini pada umumnya diselenggarakan oleh lembaga atau pusat bahasa atau tempat-tempat kursus yang menyelenggarakan pelatihan TOEFL.


Umumnya kita mengenal tiga level penguasaan bahasa asing, yaitu Tingkat Dasar (Elementary), Tingkat Menengah (Intermediate), dan Tingkat Mahir (Advanced). Untuk skor TOEFL, para ahli bahasa biasanya mengelompokkan skor ini kedalam empat level berikut:

    Tingkat Dasar (Elementary) : 310 s.d. 420

    Tingkat Menengah Bawah (Low Intermediate) : 420 s.d. 480

    Tingkat Menengah Atas (High Intermediate) : 480 s.d. 520

    Tingkat Mahir (Advanced) : 525 s.d 677


Paper Based Test TOEFL dan Computer Based Test TOEFL hanya bisa ditempuh pada waktu tertentu yang telah terjadwal jauh hari sebelum tes diselenggarakan. Tempat atau testing center dimana kedua tes ini diselenggarakan juga telah ditentukan oleh ETS sebagai pemegang lisensi tes TOEFL. Kedua macam tes TOEFL yang diselenggarakan di testing center tertentu tersebut, biasa juga disebut International TOEFL. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk membedakan keduanya dengan TOEFL ITP dan TOEFL Prediction.

Sedangkan untuk mengikuti TOEFL ITP, peserta tes harus menghubungi Institusi yang telah ditunjuk oleh IIEF Jakarta sebagai tempat pelaksanaan. Untuk pelaksanaan TOEFL ITP diperlukan peserta minimal 10 orang. UPT Bahasa Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN) Pontianak merupakan salah satu institusi yang berhak menyelenggarakan TOEFL ITP.

Jenis tes TOEFL Prediction merupakan jenis tes yang paling fleksibel pelaksanaannya. Di UPT Bahasa Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN) Pontianak, tes ini juga merupakan tes yang paling banyak diikuti oleh mereka yang ingin mengukur penguasaan bahasa Inggris untuk berbagai keperluan. Setiap saat peserta tes dapat mengikuti tes ini dengan menghubungi UPT Bahasa Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN) Pontianak.


1. Membiasakan diri dengan format Test TOEFL.
Persiapkan diri teman-teman sebelum mengikuti Test TOEFL. Siapkan mental dan diri teman-teman. Jika di tempat teman-teman ada lembaga yang menyediakan pelatihan TOEFL, ikutilah. Itu sebagai persiapan awa. Selidiki syarat TOEFL Score yang diminta.

2. Ada beberapa negara yang telah menetapkan standar TOEFL score yang harus dipenuhi oleh calon mahasiswa agar dapat menempuh perkuliahan di negara tersebut.

3. Belajar Bahasa Inggris.
Tingkatkanlah kemampuan bahasa Inggris teman-teman. Ikutilah kursus bahasa Inggris yang ada di lingkungan teman-teman. Karena ada beberapa kategori yang akan diujikan dalam tes TOEFL, yaitu Listening Skills, Reading Skills, Writing  and Grammar Skills.

4. Jawablah semua pertanyaan.
Saat tes TOEFL nanti, jawablah semua pertanyaan yang diujikan, jangan biarkan 1 soal pun kosong (tidak dijawab).

Sumber :

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Gunadarma University

It soon became the group 's human educators take tangible action . On Friday August 7, 1981 , they opened with the name of the computer education Computer Science Education Program ( PPIK ) which accommodates 91 students . And on Monday, August 10, 1981 , pertamapun lecture begins . Even this growing college that requires a more robust container . Care through the Foundation for the Development and Operations Research Systems Analysis Mathematics ( Mathematics Saor ) , it turned into a place of education and the Academy of Science of Computer Indonesia ( ASKI ) . Since then glide an activity to generate a new standard in education . Activity was shaped computer science and mathematics education .
Computer and mathematical education too is then strengthened again into a higher container that is shaped container to container shaped academic high school . On Thursday , June 21 , 1984, the name Gunadarma chosen to make the name of the high school . On Monday , July 9, 1984, the Foundation for the Development and Operation Research System Analyst renamed Mathematics Education Foundation Gunadarma . A day later , on Tuesday , July 10, 1984 date , through Decree Gunadarma Education Foundation , officially inaugurated Gunadarma name into the high school into High School Computer Gunadarma ( STKG ) . Together with that, since the date of August 7, 1981 passed the milestone date of June 21, 1984 , dated July 9, 1994 , and dated July 10, 1994 , a period of history has been delivering computer education at the College of Computer Gunadarma historical period to the next .
This stabilization was then confirmed again through the decision initiated by the Coordinator of Private Higher Education ( Kopertis ) Region III . On Tuesday, August 14, 1984 , Kopertis III granted operational licenses to STKG . To evoke the spirit of higher learning among students , on Friday , September 28 , 1984, was organized by the first graduation ceremony Gunadarma equivalent baccalaureate , to be repeated again on Tuesday , September 24 , 1985, and on Friday , September 26 , 1986. Till here , we begin to see this STKG grown in various dimensions and with it , we see the development of a dimension to dimension .
The first dimension is the dimension of the education program . In this dimension , STKG start memproleh progress quite rapidly . On Saturday , dated October 5, 1985 , through the Minister of Education and Culture No. . 0424/0/1985 , the high school expressed Registered status with a new name School of Information Management and Computer Gunadarma ( STMIK Gunadarma ) . At the same time , turns into STMIK Gunadarma STKG in more detail , it is registered in the state , can take care of two level Gunadarma the Study of Higher Education Education degree ( S1 ) and the Study of Higher Education Tier Zero ( S0 ) in the form of Diploma ( D3 ) .

Kalimalang River

Kalimalang is a time or rivers that supply water to the PAM ( water company ) to the city and surrounding communities , which is now a commercial street . This road is also one way of commerce because it covers 6 districts .Located 20 kilometers from Cawang to the Bekasi area . Kalimalang road from New Cawang - Pondok Bambu - Cipinang Melayu - Coconut Cottage - Lampiri - Transito - Sources Arta - Jakapermai - galaxy - Earth Satria Kencana and ended in Metropolitan Mall Bekasi . Kalimalang raw water source is derived from Jatiluhur , Purwakarta . Flowing trace Cikampek , Cikarang , Cibitung , Tambun and Bekasi .Kalimalang latter term is identical to the course that is in addition to time or also an unusual river , generally form the river from upstream to downstream , or from the mountains to the sea , but the river / Kalimalang is shaped transverse from the reservoir in Purwakarta to Halim , Jakarta does not go to sea , therefore called Kalimalang .problemsActual traffic congestion is a common thing but not so in this road . Extremely severe congestion is already a must for any user menu this way . According to its congestion like in hell is caused by many things , including : roads badly damaged , potholes , flooding in Cipinang Melayu , Traffic Light die , metromini strike , traffic accidents , and others.

2014 Election

2014 election is drawing near and it's time precisely the momentum is used to select leaders who have the nature of " problem solving leader " or leader who can lead this nation out of the major problems encountered during this .
Indonesia in the future requires a leader who is able to answer the nation's major problems such as poverty , unemployment , inequality , and the rule of law , and it requires a persona that is proven , strong , brave , honest , and has been proven on the track record .
Currently there are 240 million Indonesian people and not difficult to find potential leaders who have the nature of problem solving leader , for example, Singapore is a small country is only just need a figure like Lee Kuan Yew to make the lion country could be as large as now .
While Malaysia is also just need a Mahathir Mohamad , but this time the people of Indonesia as the media fed to choose leaders " salon " , the figure is polished , full of imagery , and built his prowess with words , not with facts . It is time for the intelligentsia, students and academics everywhere will determine the leadership of the Indonesian nation , should not have entered a comfort zone then do not come to think of Indonesia .
2014 will determine the direction of Indonesia , whether to bring Indonesia to developed countries or even a failed state . Youth have a great responsibility in order for young people's lives are seen as having the purity of idealism .
Youth play a role in maintaining national unity that the role of youth as a moral force , as agents of change and agents of social control in the community . Potential youth will be in vain if the youth is seen as a potential vote.
Untukmemperolehsuaradari youth then candidates will use a strategy by utilizing social media such as twitter and facebook . The electoral process should be a means of creating intelligent voters who would be the leader of this country .

Jakarta International School

Jakarta International School (JIS) is a private, international school in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was established in 1951 for expatriate students living in Jakarta and is the largest international primary and secondary school in Indonesia.
JIS has 2,400 students aged 3 to 18 from about 60 nationalities. The school adheres to North American and other curriculum models from pre-kindergarten through grade 12. It is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the Council of International Schools. The United States Department of State reports the curriculum offered at Jakarta International School as "has a strong international focus", and considers it one of the best schools overseas for preparing students for American university entrance. JIS has three campuses, two solely for Elementary students in Pattimura and Pondok Indah, and one much bigger and considered the main campus for junior high and high school students in Cilandak, South Jakarta.

Jakarta International School was established in 1951, as a school for the children of United Nations staff posted in Jakarta, the capital of the then newly independent Indonesia. Due to an increased international presence in Jakarta, the school moved into newer facilities at its Pattimura campus in 1953. In 1969, the school became the "Joint Embassy School" under the sponsorship of the Australian, British, Yugoslavian, and United States Embassies. Architectural and engineering practice International Design Consultants (IDC) was commissioned to build additional facilities for the school. The new campus was built in Cilandak, a residential area in South Jakarta. The Cilandak campus was completed in 1977 and serves as the middle school and high school. The school adopted the name "Jakarta International School" in 1978.

akarta International School has three campuses totalling 46 acres (190,000 m2) and is one of the largest international schools in the world according to H2L2 Architecture. Pattimura Elementary (K-5) is located in the Kebayoran Baru area. Pondok Indah Elementary (K-5) and Cilandak (6-12) are adjacent to each other in Pondok Indah in South Jakarta.
Facilities are mostly air-conditioned and include 184 classrooms, four theaters, three cafeterias, three tennis courts, six gymnasiums, six playing fields, three swimming pools, 18 science laboratories, design technology facilities, and four libraries with a total of 130,000 volumes. The school has a three-level food court, medical clinic, a school bus system run by the Bluebird company and an ambulance.


That morning Busway corridor 10 from the direction of Tanjung Priok already crowded when he arrived at the transit shelter BPK Scouts , so the conductor TransJakarta passengers were not allowed to enter again . But there was a mother - a mother who force themselves to get in , he energetically cram overweight body size in order to fit among the passengers who had screamed - screamed hysterically sign of narrowness , "Let ga ga loading and unloading .... " .The conductor also asked the mother to withdraw from that effort , " Sorry ma'am , already loaded guns . Up the back of aja yah " .But the mother who had positioned himself beside the conductor with a tight persisted replied , " This could be too! "The conductor is standing sideways with half body inside and half outside , with voice - sabarkan disabar try to give sense to the mother "Yes you can, but if my mother standing next entry where ? " .The mother was still not understanding , she wiggled her body to be tucked between the conductor and other passengers were standing in front of the door . The conductor whose body squeezed mother looked annoyed hold , then gives the option " Whatever , but the bus was going the way guns guns if I could get " .Well ... instead of guns has gone up but the bus streets , the mother finally gave up and stepped back again into the shelter .