Senin, 25 April 2011

Love is Beautiful

While I paused to pain
Until my mouth is not strong enough to speak
As if the eye is what speaks
Speaking in fact
Time remains the same that go through
Own and hold their own
When the eye is represented to an expectation
And this heart feel calm
At first glance I see the reality of the fairy
Which uses a piece of sacred cloth to cover her hair
This heart felt wish to express love
That would never die for her

Love Story Beginning

A game I know the internet communication
Starting from a lonely heart
One by one I introduced myself until I know can not
Morning and night I always play in that game
Until the time I met a new friend
A woman whose level underneath
Sweet and innocent face that makes me want to have it
When I ventured to ask to go with her
No doubt, I will declare love him
She blushed in my arms
Since the night that I feel happiness in my life

Beautiful Morning Sun

Wake me from sleeping peacefully at night
I breathe fresh air in the morning like this morning is very different
Then I went when his sun arrived to resume my daily activities

Smile that always represents the day arrived when his
As if nothing was hot in my body
One by one unfinished job started
Because the morning sun that makes my smile always provide peace in my heart


9 months I lived in darkness
And I'm into natural birth which brightly lit
My eyes began to open to see chimera
I do not understand what my parents do
While the voice was often reverberate
I can only see
But I can not ask what the resounding voice
Time passed and my body continues to grow
And my brain began to smart
Top teachings that I got from my parents
I realized to continue to worship the Creator
Your religion which will save you from all affliction
And Islam is always offering Heaven

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Direct - Indirect Speech

Direct speech adalah kutipan asli suatu pembicaraan tanpa adanya suatu perubahan. Sedangkan Indirect speech adalah bentuk kalimat laporan yang berguna untuk menceritakan kembali pembicaraan/pendapat seseorang yang mana mengalami modifikasi tertentu.
   Pembahasan Direct - Indirect Speech :
Cara penulisan direct speech selalu diapit oleh tanda kutip, kalimat selalu diawali huruf kapital. Tanda titik dua (:) atau koma (,) diletakkan sebelum direct speech bilaman kata penghubung/pelapor (reporting verb)-nya berada di muka, dan tanda koma (,) harus diletakkan setelah direct speech bilamana kata penghubung diletakkan setelah atau diantara direct speechnya. Tanda baca seperti tanda seru (!), tanda tanya (?) yang menunjukkan jenis kalimat direct tidak mengalami perubahan
Ada tiga jenis indirect speech :
- Imperative (command/request)
yang di laporkan adalah suatu perintah. Karena kalimat perintah biasanya tidak mengenal subject, maka verb dalam direct imperative tidak mengalami perubahan. Verb dalam indirect menjadi 'to infinitive'
- Declarative (statement)
Kalimat laporan dari suatu pernyataan mengalami beberapa perubahan antara lain :
1. Pronoun dan Possesive Adjective
2. Keterangan waktu dan tempat
3. Tenses
- Interrogative (question)
Bentuk ini dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu :
1. Berawalan Auxiliary
2. Menggunakan kata tanya/question word
Contoh Direct - Indirect Speech :
- She yelled at me : 'Don't leave the door open!'
- My mother says to my sister : 'Brush your teeth!'
- 'where are you going?' she asked
- She asked him ti help her
- He told her not to worry
- She ordered the children to be quiet
- She advised John not to be lazy